


If you like honest, real moments, I'm your girl

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Just a few shots of some recent happenings at the studio. Wait. Studio? Wha? But, Jean, you are an on location photographer! You don’t have a studio! Well. Tis true I am not a studio photographer, but there are some times that a studio comes in handy. So, the hubbs and I do rent some […]

some haps

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Traditional vs Lifestyle? What type of session would you prefer (not to photograph, but to have on your walls)? After my last post, I got to thinking.  I know how much I love photographing kids and families in more of a lifestyle manner.  But, how do others like it? And by liking it, I mean, […]

question for you

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So. I have a personal project. It’s just a little fellow of a project, but it is so needed right now in my days-and-weeks-that-fly-by-at-warp-speeds kind of life. My kids mean everything to me. I want to remember everything (well, some things could be left out) about their childhood. I realized this as I looked over […]

my project

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happy day to everyone.


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Oopsie.  More of Faris and Kristen found their way to my blog.  I couldn’t help it. This next one catches my breath a little.  It is one of my favorite images ever.

faris and kristen | ann arbor engagement photographer

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