boy, boy, boy, boy, and a boy

saturday was the day of the boys…both sessions were all boys! i felt right at home, of course (having three of my own at home). beautiful weather, beautiful settings…ahhh…it was a great day.



  1. Jennifer says:

    these are really great Jean, I really love the first and last shots especially!

  2. j.urbin photography says:

    Love these 4,5 and 7 are my faves!

  3. Season says:

    wwww, I love all the boys! Precious!

  4. Laurel says:

    These are AWESOME Jean! I love the rock star one, and the one in the swing the best. They’re all beautiful as usual!

  5. Photography By Shay says:

    Oh, I just LOVE your work. That first one is soooo pretty. and the swinging one has the best colors!

  6. Heather says:

    I LOVE #1 and the last one! You rock! 🙂

  7. Kirstynn Evans says:

    I really notice your style changing! I love it. It seems like you are always pulling surprises out! Great job.

  8. Rachael says:

    Hi, I’m Laurel’s friend from Alaska. You checked out my site so I thought I’d check out yours. I am so in love with your work! It’s so full of life! Just fantastic images!

  9. Kelli says:

    Love the baby one! So cute

  10. Mike and Joy says:

    I love these! The one of the swing especially impresses me. 🙂 It’s amazing!

  11. Despina says:

    All the pictures are so great! I’m speechless…

  12. Peyton's Mama says:

    I need to stop visiting your blog because every time I do, I see a precious little baby and that makes me want another, NOW!

    Once again, your photos are brilliant.

  13. Leah says:

    these are all great, you have amazing work

  14. Amy & Greg says:

    So cute!! Love the beautiful red-headed mother!

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