I am so excited to have been asked to speak at the Chic Retreat again!! The retreat is May 1-3, and I will be there with 6 other fabulous speakers!
It’s already more than HALFWAY SOLD OUT through our VIP Early Enrollment, so don’t wait to sign up because it will sell out soon.
Get more information at www.chiccritiqueforum.com/retreat.

- 7 top photographers sharing their juiciest secrets
- A private one-on-one photo critique with one of our Speakers (10 minutes)
- 2 of Seattle’s most creative Event Planners planning this workshop. You’ll be in Pinterest-Heaven every. single. day.
- A photo scavenger hunt in the popular Pikes Place Market
- A ride to the top of Seattle’s famous Space Needle
- An Elegant Dinner Soiree
- Limo rides
- A modern venue in the heart of downtown Seattle
- Catered meals featuring Seattle’s finest food (one meal per day. No alcohol will be served.)
- Scrumptious snacks and sweets
- Daily Swag & gifts galore!
- Over $1000 in Giveaways
- A Mini Trade Show featuring our Speaker’s favorite products
- Get featured in Chic Magazine in the Retreat Review
- Personal headshots photographed by some of our Speakers
- A LIVE styled Cake Smash Session by Heidi Hope
- A mock sales presentation by Leah Remillet (watch it happen as if it were real!)
- A “Marketing Minute” where all attendees share their best marketing tip
- A Branding Breakout session where a group of peers critique your branding & online presence
- A Workshop Workbook with over 40 pages of notes from all the Speakers
- Takeaway worksheets from each Speaker to apply your learning
- Styled sessions with a variety of models including children, seniors, families, and an editorial bridal
- Photo shoot rotations with our Speakers sharing what’s in their bag, camera settings, posing tips, smile tricks, as they shoot
- Shooting opportunities for the attendees to photograph models during the styled shoots (after the Speakers have shared their shooting secrets)
- A chance to hang out with the Speakers during the optional night activities including a Rooftop Pajama Part-ay & a late-night Ferris Wheel ride on the boardwalk