cute and sassy

mmmmm hmmmm, i love the sassy ones. maybe it’s a girl thing…maybe it’s the red hair… but there’s nothing like a little girl with a bit of attitude and knows exactly what she wants! this adorable little one was so much fun!



  1. Mike and Joy says:

    What a darling little girl! Love these, Jean.

  2. Kristin Cook says:

    I love the ones of her having tea…so sweet!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hey! We met at the SW last year. I don’t know if you remember me, but I just came across your blog through a friend’s blog. Oh my goodness, this little girl is so adorable and I love your style. Maybe I am just biased because I have a red head too!

    Jen M.

  4. Kristin Wilkerson Photography says:

    These pictures are so cute. My favorite is the one with the mom and dad and the Umbrella. So cute.

  5. Feely Photography says:

    How adorable is she?? I love these! You did a fab. job capturing her personality 😉

  6. jen says:

    ur stuff is just getting better and better!!!!! i love all of these but the second and last one are my favs. great stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Carin says:

    she is darling!!!! your color is beautiful!!! i LOVE the image of them sitting under the umbrella!!!! that needs to be blown up…HUGE! ADORABLE!!

  8. Pearson Tribe says:

    OK…so so cute! Love that last one……..

  9. Jen says:

    Jean – I love the last one. So colorful and tells a great story!

  10. ashley says:

    Hi Jean: This is Darby’s (darby and eric) little sister Ashley. I found your blog quite a while ago one day while I was blog stalking. I seem to be drawn here-your photography is just so fabulous. It is becoming more and more frequent that I visit your site so I finally just broke down and added you to my side bar. I just thought I would let you know that I think you are the most amazing photographer, there is no other that compares. I know, I gush, but that is simply how I feel. You are absolutely amazing and inspiring and nothing short of magic behind a camera. You can be sure I will be frequenting your blog often.(since I all ready do-now at least you know and I can feel like a little less of a stalker)

  11. Emily Clark says:

    i STILL think your pictures are stunning! Super sharp, and beautiful and never ever boring to look at! I’m a total fan girl!

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