new blog header

once upon a time, i said i was going to change my blog header every month…just to keep things interesting. oops…i think it has been changed TWICE all year! well, here’s number three. meet my niece…isn’t she beautiful?

blog headers and babies…can’t forget the babies! here is peeksie from a recent newborn session. hmmm… looking at these pictures, i just realized that there was a lot of color going on in that newborn session…not usual for me…but i love it!



  1. carin davis says:

    absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!

  2. laurel says:

    In LOVE with this set. Especially the blog header… to die for!

  3. Heather Cluff Photography says:

    Love the header!

  4. Hollie says:

    I love the header it’s totally AWESOME!! This newborn session is beautiful… I LOVE ALL THE COLORS!!

  5. monica says:

    The header is delightful! & I love all the hair on that sweet baby.

  6. Art Photographs says:

    Oh man how cute!!!! Love the last shot!

  7. Ruby says:

    love the blog header jean.

    the baby images are beautiful! Love love love the first one.

  8. pcg says:

    Jean, Thank you! I love these shots and am SO EXCITED to see more! Thanks again for taking so much time with our little one!

  9. Sherry Parker says:

    Very nice, I love the header. Your niece is cute!!!

  10. Jen Petty says:

    I love that second picture. It is so unique!

  11. Heather says:

    oh, she is sooo cute! she looks so petite and kissable!

  12. Jennifer Urbin Photography says:

    You’re blog header is outstanding…and yes your niece is beautiful! Love the newborn pics too!

  13. sheena jibson says:

    so so so cute!!! and that second shot…..uh….wow.

    LOVE the header!

  14. Erin Langford says:

    These are so cute. What a sweet little guy.

  15. Kristin says:

    Out of the hundreds of photography blogs I have looked at I have to tell you that you are the most amazing photographer I’ve ever seen! I am sure you are used to hearing that though!!

  16. jen says:

    these are all so so cute. your work is so inspiring! thanks for ur comments on my blog too:-)

  17. DSR says:

    Wonderful, as always. And your niece is a beauty as well!

  18. Jennifer says:

    awwww Jean first your new blog header, is absolutely amazing, I love it! Second these are so so precious, gorgeous work girl!

  19. becky abernathy says:

    LOVE your new header and cute niece! and that baby is just too precious! Awesome captures! i love the yellow polkadot. too cute!

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