Ten Minutes. The mother of these boys said that was the extent of their attention span. Are you kidding? They performed for me throughout the entire session! Their smiles and silly faces were priceless. She asked for magic dust…I told her I have three boys…that’s the only magic dust I need…
Hi Jean! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. Now it’s my turn…I love the feel of your images. Lots of fun and texture. Absolutely wonderful! Take care and keep in touch… Angela Pursell
You’re a miracle worker! You know how to get boys to do what you want!
These are all darling!
well I think you did a fabulous job and you captured who they where truly! Beautiful work here!
I don’t think I need to leave you a comment after every blog, but you are just so talented! Love the pictures!
wow these are so good! the first two are my favs.
Hi Jean! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the sweet comment. Now it’s my turn…I love the feel of your images. Lots of fun and texture. Absolutely wonderful! Take care and keep in touch…
Angela Pursell