new york

862 pictures.

That’s how many images we came home with from our trip to New Jersey/New York to visit our friends, the Sherwoods. With so many images I want to share, and so many I am thankful none of you will ever see, I settled on sharing my favorite subject matter…beautiful people who are in love and having fun. Here are a few pictures of the Sherwoods in Central Park, New York.

Thanks Sherwoods. For housing our six high maintenance selves. For loving us even when apple juice was spilled all over your carpet. For shipping us half of our wardrobes via mail. And thanks for the awesome memories.

And last, yours truly…trying to look cool while perched on a fence.



  1. Amber says:

    I love that your little one is about to “taste test” that stick in the background. 🙂 Great images as always!

  2. jean says:

    teehee…didn’t even notice my little one about to lick the stick! guess i should stop looking at myself 🙂

  3. Jen says:

    Go on with your bad self! LOOKIN GOOD JEAN!!!

  4. Colibriphoto says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! Very cute, stylish, very NEW YORK! Love it! And love that last shot! ; ) Gorgeous!

  5. Great images! And I love that last one… very cool. 😉

  6. Jennifer says:

    these are so awesome!! the family pics are great!!

  7. Amanda says:

    Oh, how we miss you. Dearly. All six of you are welcome ANY time. And, thank you, thank you, thank you for making my bum majorly skinnified in some of those pictures. I always appreciate any help I can get! They look fabulous! You, as always, are amazing.

  8. Ooo, I want to visit Central Park. Love your images of this beautiful family, and you are gorgeous while trying to look cool perched on a fence!

  9. Gabi says:

    Mhm I wonder how I could cram you six in my 2 bedroom apartment in hopes for some family pics! Lol ( well it ll be just me and my dog lol) skiing anyone? Whistler BC?

  10. Kari Dawson says:

    Oh but you DO look cool! These are so prescious Jean! By the way… I have that hat… grey and plum… yum!

  11. kelli taylor says:

    Ok Jean, you look pretty darn fabulous! I wish I looked half as cute as you when shooting. I usually just have grass stained knees and crazy hair about 10 minutes in! ha!

  12. Mikki says:

    Look at you all sassied up…and I LOVE the pictures…all of them.

  13. Josh says:

    Jean, you rock. That was a lot of fun… especially the gallon of apple juice. =) These are PERFECT. Thanks a million, mi amiga. And a HUGE thanks to Travis for hanging out with the boyz while you were working your magic (when he …er we… could have been photographing NYC) Next time!!

  14. Lroah says:

    Great images!!!!! LOVE the photo of you. 🙂

  15. Kristi says:

    ha ha! that pic of you was too cute. you always dress so stylish too! super pics of the family. the one of them crouched down on their knees standing around their son is my favorite. adorable!

  16. nice post… if you guys keep this up ur gonna get huge in the blogosphere soon!

  17. Julie f says:

    Jean!!! You are so dang gorgeous and skinny! That’s it, I’m not coming to the next high school reunion! Well except that I might have to beg you to take my family portraits while we were there. I love that picture of you and all of these are fabulous. As usual!

  18. What a beautiful family! I am glad you had a fun time. Aren’t friends like that the best? : )

  19. Brandi says:

    Happy Photos! Great one of you too:)

  20. Cat says:

    You are such a stylish girl Jean. Love the hat!

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