Workshops were never something I EVER imagined I would be doing. Yet, here I am…four years after the first workshop…teaching with my awesome husband and sharing what we love to do. Traveling around the country to teach and meet the people at our workshops has been the cherry on top of it all. I am […]
You know how it sometimes rains in the pacific northwest? Well, Seattle just happened to do it’s thing on the day of our session, which also happened to be the last day I was in Seattle before I left for home. We chose their home as our shooting location, and y’all know how much I […]
I admit, photographing in people’s homes used to scare the bleep out of me. Not knowing what kind of natural light would be available, what their decor would look like, or what kind of furniture they had was terrifying. And what if it was dark and stormy on the day of our session?!?? That would […]
It wasn’t the usual start of a friendship. I was sitting there at my computer when a google chat bubble pops up. “Hey, I’m Brittni, I’m interested in a session, do you know so-and-so because I went to high school with him, and hey, we should hang out sometime.” Ok, so not exactly like that […]
Ok, Winter, I’ll give you until December 26th. That’s when I stop loving you and start wanting my warmth back. Or at least another trip back to California. The Ryan family rounds out the last of the California sessions. What a special, wonderful family. I bonded with them immediately and loved photographing them. You know […]
Ahhhh, to be in the sun again. Only four. more. months. for those of us in Michigan. Maybe it’s time for another trip to California 🙂 Enjoy the beautiful Mogg family…
It’s not often you see a superhero family on the beach. So, when you do, you photograph them. Period. And then you keep photographing them because they are just so dang cute, fun, and love the crap out of each other 🙂
Meet the Halversons. Meet the Halversons in California at Balboa Park. HOLY MOLY, they are the most amazing family in the coolest location!
I believe this is the seventh time I have photographed them. Yeah, I think it’s safe to say we’re besties by now. BFFLE even. Oh, how I love them. Best friends, for like, ever. I know you were wondering.
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