


If you like honest, real moments, I'm your girl

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Ok, so I obviously used the wrong wording when I posted that I have a “big ol’ juicy announcement on the blog tomorrow” on my Facebook page yesterday. Just to clear the air… No, I am not pregnant. No, I am not announcing a workshop at this time. No, I am not announcing mini sessions […]

help me give

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This week’s theme is YELLOW…


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I love me some and I love me some faces and flowers (which just happens to be the theme of this week’s contest). My entry this week…

faces and flowers

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Note to self.  Being subtle and tricky is not one of your strong points.  If out of staters who have never even been to Michigan can figure out the city from my collage, then I must rethink how I photograph for guessing games.  Geez people, I could have taken pictures of the street light and […]


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Going back to Monday’s post, I promised more about a studio and I MIGHT have mentioned a giveaway. So. The studio. Travis and I do not have our own studio, but are renting studio space in…in…yes, that is our mystery today and leads us to our giveaway. We are super excited about having the studio […]


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This engagement session left me feeling super happy. I am excited to share more from these two in a few days, but one of their shots fit perfectly into the iheartfaces contest this week…dramatic black and white.

engagement and drama

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First item of business. We are moving into week 2 of our free session giveaway over on our Boka Studios blog. This week, my husband is giving away a free high school senior session (2010 or 2011 seniors). Are you a senior?  You will be a senior?  Know a senior? Go get the full details […]

session giveaway and a wedding

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This week over at iheartfaces, the weekly theme is “hilarious outtakes.” i definitely have a few of those, but this one remains one of my favorites. little: yikes! face plant into my brother’s lap! big: sweet! lunch break!

hilarious outtakes

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This week over at iheartfaces, the weekly contest theme is hands.  My entry is an older image from a couple of years ago, but still remains one of my very favorites.  Such a sweet, sweet connection between this little one and her great grandmother.

oldie but a goodie

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Um, wow.  WOW. I am blown away at the amazing response to my contest!  Honestly, you ALL rock…every single one of you who particpated…whether you referred or became a fan. I could ramble on, but I’ll get to the part that you all want to know…the winner! After all of the sorting and counting and […]


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